
Trigger CKI pipelines for kernels from Koji/Brew

Trigger CKI pipelines for kernels from Koji/Brew, either in response to messages from a message bus or manually for task IDs given on the command line.


usage: python3 -m cki_tools.koji_trigger
                       [--gitlab-url GITLAB_URL]
                       [--koji-server-url KOJI_SERVER_URL]
                       [--koji-web-url KOJI_WEB_URL]
                       [--koji-top-url KOJI_TOP_URL]
                       [--config CONFIG] [--config-path CONFIG_PATH]
                       [--task-id TASK_ID]
                       [--variables KEY=VALUE]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --gitlab-url GITLAB_URL
                        GitLab URL
  --koji-server-url KOJI_SERVER_URL
                        URL of XMLRPC server
  --koji-web-url KOJI_WEB_URL
                        URL of the Koji web interface
  --koji-top-url KOJI_TOP_URL
                        URL for Koji file access
  --config CONFIG       YAML configuration file to use
  --config-path CONFIG_PATH
                        Path to YAML configuration file
  --task-id TASK_ID     Koji/Brew task ID
  --variables KEY=VALUE
                        Override trigger variables

Running as a microservice

python -m cki_tools.koji_trigger

Configuration via environment variables

The following variables need to be defined:

Name Type Secret Required Description
RABBITMQ_HOST string no no AMQP host
RABBITMQ_PORT int no no AMQP port, TLS is used for port 443
RABBITMQ_VIRTUAL_HOST string no no AMQP vhost, defaults to /
RABBITMQ_USER string no no AMQP user
RABBITMQ_PASSWORD string yes no AMQP password
RABBITMQ_CAFILE path no no AMQP CA file path
WEBHOOK_RECEIVER_EXCHANGE string no no AMQP exchange name
KOJI_TRIGGER_QUEUE string no yes AMQP queue name to use on the exchange
KOJI_TRIGGER_ROUTING_KEYS list no yes AMQP routing keys, space-separated
KOJI_TRIGGER_CONFIG yaml no no Configuration in YAML. If not present, falls back to KOJI_TRIGGER_CONFIG_PATH
KOJI_TRIGGER_CONFIG_PATH path no no Path to the configuration YAML file
KOJI_SERVER_URL url no yes URL of XMLRPC server
KOJI_WEB_URL url no yes URL of the Koji web interface
KOJI_TOP_URL url no yes URL for Koji file access
PIPELINE_DEFINITION_URL url no yes URL of the pipeline-definition repository
GITLAB_PARENT_PROJECT string no yes Parent group of pipeline projects
GITLAB_URL url no yes URL of GitLab instance
GITLAB_TOKENS json no yes URL/environment variable pairs of GitLab instances and private tokens
GITLAB_TOKEN string yes yes GitLab private tokens as configured in GITLAB_TOKENS
CKI_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT string no no Define the deployment environment (production/staging)
CKI_LOGGING_LEVEL string no no logging level for CKI modules, defaults to WARN; to get meaningful output on the command line, set to INFO
CKI_METRICS_ENABLED bool no no Enable prometheus metrics. Default: false
CKI_METRICS_PORT int no no Port where prometheus metrics are exposed. Default: 8000
SENTRY_DSN url yes no Sentry DSN

Prometheus metrics

If CKI_METRICS_ENABLED is true, prometheus metrics are exposed on the CKI_METRICS_PORT port.

The exposed data is the following:

Name Type Description
cki_koji_pipeline_triggered Counter Number of Koji/Brew pipelines triggered
cki_http_request_duration_seconds Histogram Time spent making a request
cki_http_requests_by_status Counter Number of requests by status
cki_message_received Counter Number of queue messages received
cki_message_processed Counter Number of queue messages processed
cki_message_error Counter Number of exceptions during queue message handling
cki_message_load Summary Normalized indicator of the time spent handling a message
cki_message_duration_seconds Histogram Time spent handling a message

Triggering via the command line

python3 -m cki.cki_tools.koji_trigger \
    --gitlab-url GITLAB_URL \
    --config-path CONFIG_PATH \
    --task-id TASK_ID \
    --server-section SERVER_SECTION \
    --variables KEY=VALUE ...

Additional configuration via environment variables

The following variables need to be defined:

Name Type Secret Required Description
PIPELINE_DEFINITION_URL url no yes URL of the pipeline-definition repository
GITLAB_PARENT_PROJECT string no yes Parent group of pipeline projects
GITLAB_TOKENS json no yes URL/environment variable pairs of GitLab instances and private tokens
GITLAB_TOKEN string yes yes GitLab private tokens as configured in GITLAB_TOKENS
CKI_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT string no no Define the deployment environment (production/staging)
CKI_LOGGING_LEVEL string no no logging level for CKI modules, defaults to WARN; to get meaningful output on the command line, set to INFO
SENTRY_DSN url yes no Sentry DSN

Pipeline configuration YAML

Basic inheritance and defaults are modeled after the default and extends keywords in the GitLab CI/CD job descriptions can be used.

  • trigger configurations with a name starting with a dot (.) are not processed, but can be used for inheritance
  • the .default trigger configuration will be inherited by all trigger configurations
  • the configuration option .extends followed by a name or list of names specifies trigger configuration(s) to inherit from
  • configuration options with a name starting with a dot (.) are used to configure the trigger, but are NOT passed to the pipeline code as trigger variables

Supported configuration options

Next to variables that are passed through to the pipeline as trigger variables, certain configuration options are required by the Koji/Brew trigger.

Name Description
source_package_name regex to select the correct source packages
rpm_release regex to select the correct RPM releases
.test_scratch also test scratch builds and builds without tags, defaults to false
.report_rules serialized via JSON to report_rules trigger variable
cki_pipeline_project GitLab pipeline project
cki_pipeline_branch target branch in the GitLab pipeline project